Burleigh Bombers Code of Conduct

The BJAFLC strongly believes winning isn’t everything at a junior level, but recognises competition is healthy for player development and team morale.

  • We promote a positive, friendly, healthy image and strongly support the concept of teamwork both on and off the playing field and encourage and welcome parental/guardian and supporter involvement at both team and club level.
  • We recognise the need to maintain a safe environment for all players, official, parents/guardians, supporters and the community,


As an individual we expect all players to apply themselves in the following manner:

  • Support and encourage your team, your club mates, through your actions, and words; always,
  • Look out for one another and be kind; always,
  • Be respectful and thankful for the time, effort, and energy your coaches, managers and volunteers offer to ensure you develop as a player and person,
  • Be the best version of yourself: try hard, be open to learning, commit to your team and the sport,
  • Enjoy the game and being part of a team,
  • Listen and be a learner,
  • Be a good sport; applaud good plays whether they’re made by your team, or the opposition,
  • Avoid criticism of, or, ridiculing others, including via social media,
  • Be a team player; teams win games not individuals,
  • Act with integrity; accept responsibility for your decisions and actions,
  • Act within the rules and spirit of your sport,
  • Respect the decisions of officials, coaches, and administrators. Accept any warning, penalty or punishment imposed without dispute and take responsibility for your actions and learn from it,
  • Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport,
  • Be a role model; always. You represent your team, your club and your parents.